Aquaponics at the Greenhouse
Spring 2016 - Food + Farming Austin Busha, Erik WennerstenProject Overview
The aquaponics system reduces the ecological footprint of our campus by increasing the amount of food produced on campus, and by producing that food with a method that uses 90% less water than traditional gardening methods. The growing space allows the farm to more easily grow greens during the winter, since the water maintains a much warmer temperature that the soil in the grow beds. All produce from the system is sent to Dining and Hospitality services or Food Next Door, including lettuce, chard, spinach, cabbage, kale, tomatoes, cucumbers, basil, oregano, thyme, sage, strawberries, peppers, and garlic chives. The aquaponics system also provides an educational tool for students and classes that come through the UCCS Farm.