Dero ZAP - Bike Counters

Dero ZAP - Bike Counters

Spring 2016 - Transportation Ariana Borders (student) and Andrea Hassler (staff)

Project Overview

The Dero Zap system is an automated commuter tracking system that utilizes RFID technology to provide an automated commuter wellness program with no manual entry. The purpose of this system is to increase participation in the Pedal Perks bike incentive program and encourage students, faculty, and staff to ride bicycles to and around campus to reduce their personal and the campus’ carbon footprint along with promoting healthier lifestyle choices.

Dero Zap will automatically mark down the rider when the bicyclist passes onto campus by a sensor, which will be placed in five strategic locations around campus. The participant then will be able to log on to the system via a computer or a mobile phone application to check records of their participation and be entered to win monthly prizes. By introducing the Dero Zap system, the university will be able to incentivize participation within an easy-to-use method, all while still enjoying the freedom of bicycling.