Bike Repair Station

Bike Repair Station

Spring 2013 - Transportation Carole Huber

Project Overview

In order to encourage and support alternative transportation to and on campus, our proposal requests funding to install a self-service bike repair station near University Center and an additional stand-alone bicycle air kit pump add-on for an existing bike rack that would service both the dorms and Columbine Hall. Bike repairs stations are an increasingly popular campus action to encourage bike ridership. (AASHE Bulletin)

Transportation from commuting accounts for 30.8% of UCCS’ greenhouse gas emissions, second only to electricity emissions. According to a 2004 UCCS transportation survey, 87% of the campus community commutes to campus in single occupancy vehicles (SOV). With limited public transportation options, bicycling offers the best alternative to reduce SOV trips to campus and resulting carbon emissions.  (UCCS 2012 Climate Action Plan)

The proposal helps address the following UCCS Sustainability Strategic Plan objective, “Create a pedestrian and bicycle oriented campus that provides alternative transportation options and reduces the overall greenhouse gas emissions from trips to and from the University,” and target, “Create a more pedestrian and bicycle friendly campus through improved infrastructure.” (UCCS 2007 Sustainability Strategic Plan)

To support cyclists UCCS has increased the number of bike racks, installed a limited number of bicycle lockers and shower facilities, started a bike rental program and provided tool kits at the UC and U Hall desks. The Rec Center bicycle repair shop, staffed with a student mechanic, services approximately 300 users/bikes per semester; however, the bike shop has limited operating hours: 2-6pm Monday - Friday.