Food Journeys Cookbook

Food Journeys Cookbook

Fall 2017-Food + Wellness + Student Engagement

Project Overview

This proposal solicited funds for a student-published cookbook, telling the story of UCCS’s Food Journeys in support of a sustainable planet, local agriculture, health, and sports performance. Self-publishing is increasing in popularity. Self-publishing retains the creativity on the side of the writer(s), promotes economical use of pre-existing or self(student)-developed content, and allows for a sustainable publishing model that returns funds in support of programs. Self-publishing at UCCS, termed herein as “Student-Supported Publishing”, creates excitement, builds pride, and triggers empowerment in students and it provides unique learning opportunities for students interested in publishing their own book after college. Publishing this book promoted student recruitment into food-related programs at UCCS, as it facilitates dissemination of programming, ideas, and faculty-student engagement.

Books are wonderful gifts, remaining in the hands of those graduating. Books can be passed down to the next generation and they provided a great platform for campus documentation. The latter is critical, considering the immense momentum UCCS has gained in regional food integration, and sustainability and wellness in a self-operated food service environment.
This 300-page printed book highlighted the food journeys at UCCS and was divided into 6 sections, each integrating program description, processes, and outcomes (recipes, events, courses, tools). The book is accompanied by a campus-linked website, initiated by a student blog to share the adventures of publishing a book. Book sections are “Where our food comes from”; Food for Athletes; The Flying Carrot Food Literacy Truck; Food Next Door; Grain School; Farmhouse Fridays; From Farm to Institution.