PIPs Pilot Program
Fall 2019-Wellness + Community + Student EngagementProject Overview
This project was to support a second year for the pilot program Positive Impact Points (PIPs), and student engagement program that incentivizes sustainable actions and wellness actions. The goals are to increase sustainable and wellness behaviors towards building new habits. If data and experience demonstrated enough increased engagement and selected behaviors the goal would have the university take on the program as a continuing program as it is deemed to fit the overall mission and goals. While all students can participate, marketing efforts are targeted towards first year students to build a culture of sustainable behaviors and address wellness concerns.
The program is based in a mobile application and students are given points for each action that they take. These points have a monetary value that are collected and redeemed for gift certificates for local food establishments, groceries, environmental products, or donations. The most exciting part of the program is the ability for students to commit their points toward PIPs for School and their money is matched at a 2:1 rate. That means $500 turns into $1500. PIPs is a combination of 2 organizations that are connected: a woman-owned B Corporation, and a separate foundation for the tuition matching. UCCS is only the second university in the nation to pilot this program with CU Boulder being the first.