
Self-Powered Treadmills

Spring 2015-Wellness

Project Overview

Campus Recreation has a  commitment to promoting and facilitating more sustainable facilities and operations through this self-powered treadmill project. UCCS follows shortly on the heels of only CU-Boulder who own self-powered treadmills in a fitness facility. We at Campus Recreation hoped that this project allowed them to continue our mission; weave sustainability into every aspect of daily operations, program development and student education/training. Campus Recreation removed 5 power-reliant treadmills from the fitness center and replaced 2 of these 5 units with the self-powered units. These “self-powered fitness equipment” proposal, allowed Campus Recreation to decrease power-reliant cardio equipment to 33 % in the current fitness center and provided them with an opportunity to see how students respond to self-powered treadmills for future equipment purchase consideration for the expansion.