solar panels

Solar Tables

Completed: Spring 2014

Matthew Driftmier

Three new umbrella tables were installed on the UCCS campus around the University Center and the Kraemer Family Library. These are not standard umbrella tables, however, as these tables are each powered by four solar panels. Brought to campus by the student fee financed Green Action Fund, this student project brings the campus community out into the 300+ days of Colorado Springs sunlight to study and relax.

Electronic devices can be charged by the table by the use of battery-stored energy in the base of the table through four standard wall outlets as well as two USB charging ports. The tables are also made of recycled plastics, so the campus community can sit on sustainability while their devices are charging on sunshine.

The goal of the project is to help bring sustainability out of the back rooms and into the limelight. With sustainable practices usually happening behind the scenes, such as LED lights or water-efficient toilets, the solar umbrella tables are an unmistakable stamp of UCCS sustainability in front of the community. This gives, for many, their first hands-on interaction with renewable energy and sustainability in general. Projects like the solar umbrella tables show that sustainability is within everyone's reach; no longer something to be longed for, but something that everyone can take part in every day.