Ent Center

Sustainable Theatre by UCCS Students for Community Kids

Spring 2022

Sustainable Theatre by UCCS Students for Community Kids - Spring 2022

For the past two years, Theatreworks has partnered with Katy Williams Design to write and stage a puppet show for young audiences and families. With the support of the Green Action Fund, and the expertise of students in the College of Education, we will write and design a show themed around climate change, healthy natural environments, and environmental sustainability to be performed by UCCS Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA) students for local children and families. The production will use puppets constructed from recycled, recyclable, and reusable materials. Our process will at once teach local youth about the value of healthy environments, engage VAPA students around ways to create theatrical props without environmental impacts that long outlast the production timeline, and give Master’s candidates in Science Education an opportunity to apply their skills outside of the classroom.